A dialog about money with “IMissLiberty” on substack.

MD: I had this dialog with someone calling themselves IMissLiberty on substack. We love to dissect these comments. In this conversation she is IML. I am TM (which is the same as MD). Here’s our dissection.


May 29

IML: The value of things is based on what you are willing to pay for them.

TM: Correct… sort of. It’s determined by negotiation…and that takes two parties. Once created (by making a promise spanning time and space and certifying it) money serves as any other object in simple barter exchange [SBE]…until it is destroyed (on promise delivery). In the interim it’s just stuff…like gold or dollars or pork bellies…or bottled water.

IML: Money is for saving the value of work and cost you already paid to produce something you sell today, not today’s cost to mine more.

TM: Money once created serves as the most common object in any SBE.

IML: Further, an ounce of gold found in your great grandmother’s treasure box is worth the same as the one mined and refined today–even though the costs were completely different in dollars or in whatever currency the older ounce was made.

TM: An ounce of gold is not different than a cement block…or money (after creation and before destruction) . It’s simply an object of SBE. It doesn’t matter who created it, when they created, where they stored it, what they paid for it. It’s just stuff. It’s not money. It’s just a primtive substitute…and hasn’t served as money in my nearly 80 year life time.

IML: The mining cost sets a floor but it doesn’t control demand.

TM: Supply and demand for each object (as viewed by the traders for that particular trade) dictate the trade. It’s the “negotiation” stage of all trades…SBE or otherwise. The other two stages are “promise to deliver” and “delivery”…which in SBE in the “here and now” happen simultaneously.

IML: Supply and demand are both involved in the future price of something you earn today.

TM: The so-called “price” is the exchange rate for two objects in SBE. It is set by the traders in the “negotiation” phase of the trade. The future price is estimated by “self proclaimed artists…like appraisers”…and Black and Shoals…and manipulated by governments and banks…and other imagination figments like LIBOR. It’s always a figment of someone’s imagination. However, if we’re talking about money in a “real money process”, it is always in units of HUL’s (Hours of Unskilled Labor). This simplifies the trade by twice: Both parties now know the “real undisputed value” of one of the objects. (a) It is in perpetual free supply; (b) it is in perpetual perfect supply/demand balance; (c) it is free of external loads…like interest; (d) it has no time value…doesn’t gain of lose with time or over space; (e) it costs nothing to create or destroy; (f) and cannot be counterfeited. They are left to agreeing on the value of the other object in the SBE. Ask a HUL to take an hour to make a hole; measure the hole; you will “always” get the same size hole (other conditions being equal) in all time and space.

IML:One could buy gas and store it, but gas is too volatile to carry in one’s wallet and has a limited shelf life and thus lose value.

TM: True, but irrelevant when it comes to money. Gas is not and never will be money. It’s just stuff…an object of SBE.

IML: Gold and silver have a non-perishable advantage as a store of your past costs/work.

TM: So do cement blocks. They’re all just stuff. Cement blocks have outperformed gold and silver over the last five years. When traded for dollars, gold and silver have gone up and down…cement blocks have only gone up.

IML: If I babysat for an hour in 1966 and got paid in two quarters I could spend that 50 cents to buy two gallons of gas any time in the future, and maybe more as the cost of extracting gas gets more efficient–as long as the quarters were silver.

TM: Great choice of examples. I hired baby sitters in 1966. They were paid 6 quarters per hour (I think my wife paid them 2 quarters)…same as my summer job in 1962. If we had real money then I would have paid them one HUL per hour. It was SBE.

IML: If they weren’t silver (counterfeit, paper, digital) they would barely pay the gas tax.

TM: In 1964 I paid one quarter (containing silver) for one gallon of gas (SBE). In 1965 I traded one quarter (containing no silver) for one gallon of gas (SBE). It proved the quarter itself traded for the gas. What it was made of (i.e. its intrinsic value) played no role. It’s even more dramatic today. You pay 10+ quarters (containing zero silver…or 90% silver) for a gallon of gas. You’re foolish to trade the silver quarters because they trade for more value in a different context…e.g. in making photographic film. That’s how money works. And why commodity money doesn’t work. In the case of coin: (1)the cheaper you can make it; (2) the more durable you can make it; (3) the more precisely you can control its dimensions (ie. weight, diameter, thickness); (4) and the more difficult you can make counterfeiting…the better. But it’s still just stuff when it comes to SBE.

IML: “Compared to the dollar” a decaying rubber-band yardstick is no better at measuring carpet than a dollar price over time, except it will fail much sooner and be replaced with something more useful.

TM: And this is the same for any object of SBE. An 1848 ounce of gold was worth more than an 1850 ounce. Supply changed dramatically in those years. At the end of the 1800’s the value of gold and silver gyrated…until by law they claimed silver was not legal tender…only gold and so-called gold backed paper was legal tender (another government imagination figment). In 1973 the French were owed some huge amount of money…let’s say it was $1B. The USA claimed an ounce of gold could be purchased for $35. The French knew by experience it cost $70+ to trade (SBE) for an ounce of gold. The French said, keep your dollars USA. You agreed to settle the debt in gold and we’ll take the gold. Tilt went the so-called “lie” called the gold standard. Nixon didn’t cause the failure. He just could no longer lie about it as his predecessors had. If we were on a “real money process”, the units of the debt would have been HULs and guaranteed never to change their value over time and space. Such fictions as gold stability have existed over all time and space.

An interesting exercise when comparing and contrasting two competing choices. If one of the choices is current practice and the other one is a claimed improvement, reverse their positions. Assume the new choice is the current practice, and vice versa. Now which one is harder to sell? This technique removes the inertial advantage all current practice has. It illustrates dramatically how ridiculous most “conservative” practices are. Electric cars vs ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) cars is a good case to practice on.

IML: If 1913 had been gold instead of a central bank, the income tax would still only tax the top 1% as promised, and it would be enough for peace and prosperity, but not enough for war.

TM: This is the Achilles heel of all government controlled money. Governments collect taxes to pay interest to the money changers who institute them. Governments sustain themselves through counterfeiting of money they claim to control. Central Banks are figments of the money changers imagination forced upon governments. They need them for another figment of their imagination…that being “reserves”. In a “real money process” there are no reserves. No one has to put their savings in a bank for the bank to loan out ten times that savings at a 4% spread (i.e.40% which doubles in less than 2 years) . And thus there is no such thing as a “run on the bank”. All trades are completely separate and isolated.

This is an interesting definition of a capitalist…i.e. two years. They create a bank; capitalize it; accept deposits; loan out ten times the deposits at 4% spread; double their money in 2 years; take 1/2 off the table removing all their original risk; and wallah…look mom, I’m a capitalist. What’s not to love about capitalism.

IML: The miners and refiners produce more when the price offered is higher than the cost of production. They stop when they are not offered enough, and then the supply drops. If they are hungry, they will produce enough for food or for dollars for food–it’s a market price.

TM: You can say the same for farmers growing corn or raising pigs. They’re just stuff in SBE.

IML: There is always demand for metals. Try to imagine life without them.

TM: Try to imagine life without food…or without water where it doesn’t rain much. Both are just stuff in SBE. In the case of rain it is genuinely free. In the case of food…not so much. And in times of food and water shortages, metals play second fiddle.

IML: Imagine filling your cavity with bitcoin or paper.

TM: I have. See this to know about Bitcoin: https://moneydelusions.com/wp/?s=bitcoin. Bitcoin dramatically illustrates that DEFLATION is even worse than INFLATION. The only “proper” level of each is zero. No process can measure it. And only a “real money” process can guarantee it to be zero…it’s the nature of the process: INFLATION = DEFAULT – INTEREST = zero.

IML: There is no similar floor under fiat currencies. The dollar and bitcoin are ultimately worth their weight in gold ($0).

TM: When you know what money is (i.e. a promise to complete a trade over time and space); when you know where money comes from (i.e. created by traders like you an me buying stuff with time payments); when you know where money goes (i.e. returned and destroyed with each time payment…or mitigated by INTEREST collections of like amount when DEFAULTed). The operative relation is: INFLATION = DEFAULT – INTEREST = Zero.

I value gold these days at roughly $2,000 per ounce. If you take all the gold in the whole world and divide it by the number of people, you get about one ounce per person as I recall…i.e. roughly $2,000…i.e. roughly 200 HULs. First, that’s not near enough for anybody’s need in trade…not in the near term…certainly not over time and space. But more importantly, the HULs are the only object guaranteed to have exactly the same value in every SBE. Gold goes up and down. Dollars go up…until they call the loans…then they go down dramatically. And as usual with all fake money…up is down and down is up when you think about it.

Your serve IML.

Cafe Hayek: Who’d a Thunk

Who’d a-Thunk It?

by Don Boudreaux on August 14, 2017

in Reality Is Not Optional, Seen and Unseen, Work

We study the effect of minimum wage increases on employment in automatable jobs – jobs in which employers may find it easier to substitute machines for people – focusing on low-skilled workers from whom such substitution may be spurred by minimum wage increases.

MD: If we had a “proper” MOE process, those engaged in conducting these studies would be out of work. Thus, we probably can’t expect them to be supportive of a proper MOE process … and zero inflation … can we!

Based on CPS data from 1980-2015, we find that increasing the minimum wage decreases significantly the share of automatable employment held by low-skilled workers, and increases the likelihood that low-skilled workers in automatable jobs become unemployed.

MD: Those who are engaged in compiling CPS data and pondering it would be out of work with a zero inflation proper MOE process. Increasing the minimum wage does not decrease the share of automatable employment … it increases it (but that’s really what he meant to say). Instituting a “proper” MOE process will eliminate a huge number of government jobs … and financial and economics jobs in industry as well. Rather than automating away what they do (which computers continuously do), it eliminates the necessity of their work all together. When inflation is guaranteed to be zero, what is a CPS analyst to do? (1+i)^n is perpetually 1.00000. In that case, it’s not about replacement, it’s about wasted counterproductive effort in the first place. But then what are the scholars of articles like this … who haven’t been able to “get it” in the face of the “obvious” … what are they going to do?

The average effects mask significant heterogeneity by industry and demographic group, including substantive adverse effects for older, low-skilled workers in manufacturing.

MD: Automation has in fact helped “older” low skilled workers. Where they would normally become physically incapable of doing the work, they can continue to do it with hydraulic and electrical assistance … just by pushing buttons. Without the automation, they would have “taken themselves” out of the game earlier. Automation is really a boon for older unskilled … and skilled … workers. But that’s really what he meant to say … right?

The findings imply that groups often ignored in the minimum wage literature are in fact quite vulnerable to employment changes and job loss because of automation following a minimum wage increase.

MD: Well duh!

That’s the abstract of a new paper by Grace Lordan and David Neumark, titled “People Versus Machines: The Impact of Minimum Wages on Automatable Jobs.”  (emphasis added)

Reality is not optional and the law of demand holds for low-skilled labor no less than it holds for kumquats, for yoga instruction, and for high-quality jewelry.

MD: But the mechanism is sticky and has a dead band. Eliminate the relative motion (i.e. inflation) and then the effects of the  coefficient of static friction and deadband don’t come into play at all. The static forces remain constant … they don’t build up to a point of violent release!

Indeed, the law of demand is universal.  Therefore, government diktats requiring all workers to insist on being paid at least some minimum hourly wage from employers will cause the quantities of any given kind of low-skilled labor demanded by employers to be fewer than these quantities would be in the absence of such diktats.

MD: Government cannot survive with zero inflation. That “is” what sustains all government. And that inflation is also what lets the money changers maintain their illusion of the “time value of money” and thus their demand for tribute (for their claim of being the creators of the money). With zero inflation, both money changers and the governments they institute are “high, dry, and looking for a ball player” … i.e. they’re out of business.

Minimum-wage proponents fancy themselves to be champions of the poor, but these fancies are belied by the reality that minimum wages reduce the employment prospects of the very people that well-meaning minimum-wage proponents intend to help.

MD: But when you have a 4% leak in the money, how in the world are you going to keep from grinding the unskilled labor right into the dirt? Remember, we were all unskilled labor at one point in our lives.

(HT Frank Stephenson)