The Daily Bell: Empowered Individuals: Genocide and Poverty Hasn’t Beat Cambodians

MD: At Money Delusions, we have no delusions about money at all. And its our experience with money delusions propagated by others that gives us the skill to identify delusions in other areas. This article is just such an instance. Why do people tolerate genocide and poverty? And how do you say Cambodians beat it? How did Pol Pot come to be anyway? How do people become subjected to that nonsense when they just want to be left alone? Let’s see what we will see.

Not to spoil the ending … but it’s not by leaving these people alone … it’s by indoctrinating them differently. My god is better than your god. Sheeeeessssshhhhh

Empowered Individuals: Genocide and Poverty Hasn’t Beat Cambodians
By Michael Demas – August 18, 2017

Man Kind is leading the way in modern education.

MD: Every time I see a statement like this I test it with “who’s the runner up?”. But then, what “kind” other than “man kind” is even in the running? What a great attention grabber that line is! But “modern” … that seals it.

No, that isn’t some lofty but empty phrase about humanity. This guy’s name is actually Man Kind. He runs a program in Cambodia that does more than educate.

MD: Caught me! Did you know if I tried to tell Facebook I was enrolling under the name Man Kind it would refuse me? It would refuse you too. But Facebook is a higher authority. I wonder if this guy is enrolled.

The schooling instills the drive to do something meaningful. The education empowers youth to take ownership of their life circumstances. If they don’t like the situation into which they were born, Man Kind will help them realize they can change it.

MD: All it should really do is teach the fundamentals necessary to learn.  Learn to read … then write and spell … to do math. In short … learn to learn and learn to want to learn. That’s it. Then sit down and read the encyclopedias. You’ll get 10x what public education will give you (except putting prophylactics on bananas) in 1/3rd of the time. Wikipedia is your friend.

In the rural communities of Cambodia, social mobility isn’t at the forefront of many people’s minds. There are few opportunities to seize, particularly without access to meaningful education.

MD: Why should social mobility be on anyone’s minds. Why should there be anywhere to mobile to? Because the money changers have dictated it. It’s part of their farming operation … their farm system.

More often than not, hardworking rural families are resigned to their socioeconomic foothold. Despite this sad reality, there are individuals hard at work to raise their communities beyond their modest means.

MD: And more often than not, those chasing the brass ring finally settle down to a rural setting … with no socioeconomic drive at all. Go figure!

As you read this, there works a small group of industrious Cambodians who are improving their community. The Human-Resource Development and Language Foundation (HDLF) is a local grassroots NGO. They teach English and IT classes while incorporating motivational and character-building exercises.

MD: Foundations and NGOs … contaminating a theater near you.

Man Kind is the local community member who leads the organization. Their methods educate the local community in a practical way. They also provide opportunities for higher learning and employment, all at a minimal cost to clients.

There is climbing demand for English classes, especially in these rural areas, but a severe lack of investment. As of 2014 the Cambodian government spends 1.9% of its GDP on education. There is a shortage of teachers, and most split their time between teaching at public institutions and private schools.

MD: Why English? The Brits are the most corrupt society the world has ever experienced (Israel being a close second). What if the NGO went to London and gave of themselves to teach the Brits Cambodian?

They can’t sustain themselves on a public teacher’s salary alone. Most rural areas can’t readily offer the opportunity for a secondary income. The result is that most teachers do not just prefer, but need to work in urban areas to continue providing their valuable service.

MD: History is replete with biographies of great men and women who grew up on the desolate Great Plains of the USA … and attended single room school houses with one teacher for all grades.


How Did We Get Here?

There are several reasons for Cambodia’s severe lack of development. It would be remiss not to mention the brutal communist rule of the Khmer Rouge during the mid to late seventies. Pol Pot, wanted to fundamentally restructure Cambodia. He ushered in a collectivized “utopian” agrarian society in the mid to late 1970s.

The Khmer Rouge deported all foreign nationals and ordered a mass exodus from all cities. They pushed the population into the countryside. They abolished money, private property, and executed anyone who was a perceived threat to the state.

MD: So how did they get the power and leverage to do that?

This largely included intellectuals, politicians, doctors, and teachers. The Khmer Rouge even considered eyeglasses a sign of former oppression.

The Khmer Rouge starved the population as they forced them to do laborious farm work under harsh conditions. Their utopian dream turned into a genocide. It wasn’t until the party collapsed, and the Vietnamese occupied Cambodia, that the madness subsided.

MD: Something has to be left out of this story. What attracted the Khmer Rouge to the Khmer Rouge in the first place? They must have had some competitive solution to a wide spread problem at the time to pull this off. What was it? Was capitalism and empire building stealing them blind? That is “usually” the case … and the writers of this kind of propaganda leave that part out.

Yet still, the atrocities continued well into Vietnam’s occupation. Between 1.7 and 2 million people died, roughly a quarter of the population at the time. Nearly an entire generation was eradicated, and the culture all but torn from its roots. Cambodia needed to begin its development efforts anew.

MD: Again, how do you get some people to turn on others like that. How do you completely eradicate the principle of the golden rule … and why would you want to do that?

A Reason To Move On

MD: Every time I read a phrase like that, it tells me it’s a time for “revenge”; that revenge is justified and imminent; and the perps are on the ropes.

This is where HDLF provides some genuine hope.

MD: Hope for whom? The perps?

The NGO incorporates Dr. Madenjit Singh’s internationally recognized ‘Science of Language’ holistic training program.

MD: Any time you see this kind of hyperbole, their credentials are shallow to non-existent. Educators use such rhetoric … because they have no basis in fact to fall back on. They are totally incestuous.

During the day, local teachers volunteer to teach basic English to primary school students. In the evening, they go over more advanced courses with teenage students, who attend these classes after their traditional education in a public school. These intermediate students learn by reading stories and speaking about motivational topics.

MD: What? After their public school education? Well then eliminate the public school education. Is this like the bible school I had to go to as a kid for indoctrination?

The main idea is to teach these kids how to identify their habits, goals, aspirations, and inspiration. They do this in English, and stand up to present their own understanding of these stories to the whole class. They focus on identifying negativity in their lives and how to overcome a fatalistic mindset.This improves their Englishs

MD: Again, why English. That makes as much sense as teaching them Yiddish!

This improves their English comprehension, but also shifts their fundamental view of the world. It may not sound conventional by western standards. But it can provide life changing empowerment to students who never understood the individual’s ability to improve their own life.

MD: Ah … “shifts their view of the world”. This is brainwashing … plain and simple … in the open as if it was respectable. By a people (these NGOs) who have never known what money is and to this very day think there is such a thing as democracy with more than 50 people involved. This is BS … Beyond Silly. Maybe these people need to go back and read the history of our indoctrination of the indigenous US people. It’s a pitiful piece of history it is … with an even more pitiful current result.

Students who are faithful to this program emit a palpable sense of confidence. Teachers, as well as the international volunteers, feel the change.

MD: Like Clinton “felt your pain”?

“The energy here is very powerful,” says Program Director Juan Antuna Ros. “The moment you enter the school, you’re surrounded by all this eagerness to learn. It’s infectious… new students see the older students speaking English comfortably with international volunteers and that motivates them to keep studying and build up their confidence.”

MD: What? Why? Why doesn’t that eagerness exist in the public schools? What kind of coolade are they giving these kids?

To break the cycle of poverty, the key is to make adults and children alike realize that the cycle does not have to apply to them. They harbor a powerful freedom that waits to be realized.

MD: If you want to break the cycle, break the reproductive cycle. I would like to break the reproductive cycle of the elite in the USA (and the tribe that predominates it). Maybe I can form an NGO to get that done. It’s easy to illustrate and document the un-level playing field they have forced the rest of us on to.

“Someone who’s not educated is basically limited. It’s almost as if they’re walking through life with a blindfold on. They’re easily led astray, used and manipulated for other people’s agenda, usually people with a better education and greater access to resources.”

MD: Tell that to Gene Amdahl, or Philo Farnsworth … or Ezra Pound!

The curriculum implements this holistic perspective shift by asking students very subjective questions about their personal mentalities. This model demands a reader’s interactivity. There is no memorizing vocabulary by rote repetition. The students here must be active in analyzing their own personal lives using English. In this way, their English lessons don’t just cover the basics of the language, but the framework for their own personal success.

MD: Brainwashing … 101. Same thing other practitioners engage in. Plus the others teach a skill … making bomb vests that fit properly and comfortably.

Consider the implications. Let’s imagine you spend your days helping your family on the farm. You do manual labor using the same age-old methods passed down through the generations. Your neighbors, friends, and community all do the same thing, all without any opportunity or reason to improve their situation.

MD: Right. Join our society and you could become part of an entire new generation with large thumbs … from playing games on their iPads; totally sexually confused; fearing global warming and their own shadows;  and incapable of changing a tire.

Then, all of a sudden, you begin to study a language, which helps you understand that you are the master of your own destiny. A door has been opened. To walk through, you must keep learning and engage in the principles you’re studying. Incorporating this life-changing and transmittable enthusiasm is what keeps this school running.

MD: And you no longer have a chance of being the master of the destiny you are leaving. And since there will be no-one there to protect a claim to that destiny, it will flow to these wonderful people teaching you this wonderful new language … the most clumsy language ever evolved by man … beginning with roots among the most treacherous empire builders ever experienced by mankind. What’s not to love here. If you want to gain some perspective, read the contemporaneous Anti-Federalist Papers (written by farmers who had a clue)  in lock step with your reading of the Federalist Papers (written by the money changers who now enslave you by taking 3/4ths of the fruits of your labor … you the most free of all the people ever on the globe.) I’d say “give me a break” … but I make my own breaks. You should try it.

Where The Road Leads

Education alone is not the answer to a region defined by poverty. The ultimate goal is being able to provide tangible opportunities to a better-educated community. HDLF has recently teamed up with the Malaysian government’s Volunteering for International Professionals (VIP) Fellowship Programme.

MD: What makes these people poor? At the beginning of the formation of the USA very few had education (and those that did created the mess we know as the United States and its unbelievably flawed Constitution … that doesn’t even include a buy/sell agreement). These people weren’t any poorer or richer than the Cambodians … but most of the educated ones sure are (more poor) … even those perpetually reaching for the brass rings. They are the most impoverished of all.

The partnership aims to provide a 4-month fellowship for international professionals to apply their expertise in a local context. The goal here is to create career pathways and provide support services that allow graduates to access relevant job opportunities and build a meaningful career with English as the foundation.

MD: Follow the money.

HDLF also has mechanisms for trainees to become teachers. In fact, one of its trainees actually taught English to his own childhood teacher. Students see the clear and evident trajectory that their studies materialize. The teachers are the perfect examples, as they seek more than just a paycheck. They realize that the path to a brighter future is a delicate opportunity. If they can provide the necessary skill set, these kids will excel in their higher learning and get a decent job to provide for themselves and their families.

Right now, HDLF is building a new school down the road from its current location. The classes are in such high demand that the students for the new school are already being instructed in a temporary learning center near the construction site. With 3 classrooms and an IT center underway, the future looks bright for this NGO.

This large undertaking has opened the door for international volunteers to come and be a part of this good cause. Their presence has helped expedite the construction while keeping costs low. It provides an opportunity for the students to learn and talk with native English speakers.

Each day that passes is another day closer to building Man Kind’s new facility for higher learning.

“My great grandparents, my grandparents, my parents, all of them were farmers. But now, I can start to change the story of my life. So I ask my students, if I can do it, why can’t you?”

MD: Is that an open insult to farmers? I guarantee you, if we ever manage iterative secession (and I certainly hope we do), I don’t want you in my space. I would much rather have these farmers in my space.

His students regularly attend his classes, so many that there is almost a lack of seats. Despite the sweltering heat or the torrential rain, they attend class and study with fervor and intention.

“I work long hours, but I never feel tired, because I can see the smiling faces of our kids. They begin to feel confidence. They tell themselves, ‘yes, I can do it, I can learn. I can be anybody I want.’ That’s the best feeling of my life.”

MD: What a pitiful life that must be for you.

The Daily Bell: Did you see this unbelievable front page news?

MD: It’s hard to imagine an article with more fodder for exposing money delusions than this article published through The Daily Bail. This should be fun … and as usual, exasperating.
Did you see this unbelievable front page news?
By Simon Black – August 17, 2017



Sovereign Valley Farm, Chile

A few weeks ago the Board of Trustees of Social Security sent a formal letter to the United States Senate and House of Representatives to issue a dire warning: Social Security is running out of money.

MD: As in future tense? The Social Security scam (like Ponzi’s scam) was out of money the day it was put in place … not “running out of money” but “flat out of money”.

Given that tens of millions of Americans depend on this public pension program as their sole source of retirement income, you’d think this would have been front page news…

MD: I’m one of those. I knew this was a government scam from the moment I learned it existed. I prepared for my retirement as all should  do… by myself. Not by my employer. Not by my government. And yet, not even counting this scam, I have given to government over fully 3/4ths of the fruits of my labor in my now ending life (70+ years). But it gets worse. When it came to deploying those funds towards my sustainable retirement, the government said I did it wrong. And so they took those funds … all of them … as a penalty. Reached right into my bank and took them. And then put a lien on my free and clear property. And I guarantee you, anyone who has resisted the money changer instituted government have the same story to tell.

Abolish government and maybe I would consider doing life again. Otherwise, not no! but HELL NO!!!

Regarding the news: You mean the constant stream of money changer propaganda emanating from the governments they create and the media they institute to effect the public brain washing … is that the news you speak of?

… and that every newspaper in the country would have reprinted this ominous projection out of a basic journalistic duty to keep the public informed about an issue that will affect nearly everyone.

MD: Dreamer! What’s in it for the government to direct the media to do that? What’s in it for the money changers that instituted that government strictly to protect their perpetual scam?

But that didn’t happen.

The story was hardly picked up.

It’s astonishing how little attention this issue receives considering it will end up being one of the biggest financial crises in US history.

MD: Now really! It would have been astonishing if the report had made it into the news. Whoever wrote it is obviously off the reservation and probably being disciplined as I write.

That’s not hyperbole either– the numbers are very clear.

The US government itself calculates that the long-term Social Security shortfall exceeds $46 TRILLION.

MD: Why do they bother to calculate it? They have no intention nor means of paying it. It will continue until the reset. If it is a government reset like the Weimar case (and the soon to be the Venezuela case), many people will just be screwed, the numbers will be reset to zero on their accounts, and it will all just start up again. Read “When Money Dies” by Ferguson.

If the reset is like the case of the French Revolution, the sale of guillotine kits will spike … and a mere 20,000 or so of these criminals will be quickly eradicated and fed to the chickens and hogs, leaving the handful who are actually the culprits totally unscathed. If you wanted to put your hands on a Rothschild, do you realistically think you could? Just as an exercise, try to just pinpoint the position of one right now. Some one should start a website to do that … like they do for keeping track of tail numbers on airplanes … that prove the government’s 911 conspiracy is a total fabrication … as if the mysterious collapse of WTC7 didn’t also do that … in simpler and more convincing fashion.

In other words, in order to be able to pay the benefits they’ve promised, Social Security needs a $46 trillion bailout.

Fat chance.

That amount is over TWICE the national debt, and nearly THREE times the size of the entire US economy.

Moreover, it’s nearly SIXTY times the size of the bailout that the banking system received back in 2008.

So this is a pretty big deal.

MD: No it’s not. If it was, you wouldn’t be voluntarily giving over 3/4ths of the fruits of your labor to governments. You and your neighbors would just stop paying. Not doing that are you! It’s the “one” thing “you” can do … and you’re not doing it! You’re just crying in your beer here!

I presume you were not created as a farmer residing in Chili. So you just personally decided to give the fruits of your labor to some other government. It would be interesting to look at your historical financial records. I’ll be I’d find at an earlier point in your life you were an “active” part of the problem … if you aren’t still and “active part of the problem.”

More importantly, even though the Social Security Trustees acknowledge that the fund is running out of money, their projections are still wildly optimistic.

In order to build their long-term financial models, Social Security’s administrators have to make certain assumptions about the future.

What will interest rates be in the future?
What will the population growth rate be?
How high (or low) will inflation be?

MD: … as he leaves off the actuarial analysis completely! What’s up with that? You have to do that … because there is “no” actuarial analysis. You don’t need one when you don’t recognize or accept any risk. You just counterfeit money and traders pay in the form of inflation.

These variables can dramatically impact the outcome for Social Security.

For example, Social Security assumes that productivity growth in the US economy will average between 1.7% and 2% per year.

MD: With a “proper” MOE process that number would be 0%. As it is, it is just 1/2 the 4% leak the money changers stick us with … as their “tribute”. Demand a competitive “proper” MOE process and institute it … and then let’s see how they do. Hint: They wilt on the vine. They are deprived of their total source of nourishment.

This is an important assumption: the faster US productivity grows, the faster the economy will grow. And this ultimately means more tax revenue (and more income) for the program.

MD: A proper MOE process doesn’t care about growth at all. It behaves exactly the same regardless of whether there are more or fewer traders and the  traders are more or less active. This is because it “guarantees” perpetual perfect balance between the supply and demand for the exchange media itself. It never has to grow into or out of anything.

But -actual- US productivity growth is WAY below their assumption.

Over the past ten years productivity growth has been about 25% below their expectations.

And in 2016 US productivity growth was actually NEGATIVE.

Here’s another one: Social Security is hoping for a fertility rate in the US of 2.2 children per woman.

This is important, because a higher population growth means more people entering the work force and paying in to the Social Security system.

MD: So you are openly acknowledging it is a Ponzi scheme … and “you” voluntarily paid in to it and promoted and supported it, didn’t you!

But the actual fertility rate is nearly 20% lower than what they project.

And if course, the most important assumption for Social Security is interest rates.

MD: With a “proper” MOE process there is no such thing as an interest rate. Defaults are detected and immediately mitigated by interest collections of like amount. Divide it by what you want for a rate. It is meaningless when viewed as a rate.

100% of Social Security’s investment income is from their ownership of US government bonds.

MD: Which are “never” repaid … they are just perpetually rolled over … that is default … that is counterfeiting. And worse … the interest paid goes straight to the money changers. Why? Beats me? Just because they say it does!

So if interest rates are high, the program makes more money. If interest rates are low, the program doesn’t make money.

Where are interest rates now? Very low.

In fact, interest rates are still near the lowest levels they’ve been in US history.

Social Security hopes that ‘real’ interest rates, i.e. inflation-adjusted interest rates, will be at least 3.2%.

MD: Funny. “inflation-adjusted interest rates”. That’s like saying “inflation-adjusted inflation rates”.

This means that they need interest rates to be 3.2% ABOVE the rate of inflation.

This is where their projections are WAY OFF… because real interest rates in the US are actually negative.

MD: Really? I’m paying 8.24% for money that is over collateralized … by a factor of 5. And I can’t replace it with something else because the money changers are the only game in town. If we had a proper MOE process, I would have been paying 0% and would have completed by delivery promise long ago.

The 12-month US government bond currently yields 1.2%. Yet the official inflation rate in the Land of the Free is 1.7%.

MD: If government taking 3/4ths of the fruits of your labor is free, what is slavery?

In other words, the interest rate is LOWER than inflation, i.e. the ‘real’ interest rate is MINUS 0.5%.

Social Security is depending on +3.2%.

MD: Yet they claim inflation is zero. My social security went up 0.3% last year.

So their assumptions are totally wrong.

And it’s not just Social Security either.

According to the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, US public pension funds at the state and local level are also underfunded by an average of 67.9%.

MD: Which is a good thing. Because the government just confiscates that funding anyway!

Additionally, most pension funds target an investment return of between 7.5% to 8% in order to stay solvent.

Yet in 2015 the average pension fund’s investment return was just 3.2%. And last year a pitiful 0.6%.

MD: With a “proper” MOE process, the analysis would be totally actuarial. Things get much much simpler when inflation is guaranteed to be zero. So do investment decisions. With (1+i)^n perpetually yielding 1.000 for all “n”, everyone who has “finance” anywhere in his job title is out of work.

This is a nationwide problem. Social Security is running out of money. State and local pension funds are running out of money.

And even still their assumptions are wildly optimistic. So the problem is much worse than their already dismal forecasts.

Understandably everyone is preoccupied right now with whether or not World War III breaks out in Guam.

(I would respectfully admit that this is one of those times I am grateful to be living on a farm in the southern hemisphere.)

MD: Grateful? It was a conscious choice for you wasn’t it? Happy with the government imposed on you there? Same money changers instituted it as did the government we have here. If we don’t neuter the money changers we don’t phase any of these issues.

But long-term, these pension shortfalls are truly going to create an epic financial and social crisis. 

It’s a ticking time bomb, and one with so much certainty that we can practically circle a date on a calendar for when it will hit.

There are solutions.

MD: So let’s see if he poses the obvious correct treatment … i.e. institute a “proper” MOE process in competition with “their improper” MOE process. Looking ahead … nope he doesn’t. He just says save. Saving is “safety stock”. It’s an inventory control concept. We should need almost no safety stock at all without a predatory government to plan for.

Waiting on politicians to fix the problem is not one of them.

The government does not have a spare $45 trillion lying around to re-fund Social Security.

MD: It has never needed it? Have you also noticed that government never has trouble finding people to staff all the commissions they create to crank out and regulate their nonsense?

So anyone who expects to retire with comfort and dignity is going to have to take matters into their own hands and start saving now.

MD: Saving isn’t enough. The government will go right into your bank and take your savings … any time it chooses … legally. What does that tell you about the “rule of law”? If you have surplus, you better give attention to hiding it.

Consider options like  SEP IRAs and 401(k) plans that have MUCH higher contribution limits, as well as self-directed structures which give you greater influence over how your retirement savings are invested.

MD: He says, as if there is any legitimacy in those limits. Remember, those incentives are just to make you think you can beat the government in their taking of 3/4ths of the fruits of your labor. You can’t. Anything you put in those plans, they can and will confiscate.

These flexible structures also allow investments in alternative asset classAes like private equity, cashflowing royalties, secured lending, cryptocurrency, etc.

MD: “Allow”??? !!!!! See how easily he buys into their scam and supports it? Every alternative he enumerates is just another money changer scam.

Education is also critical.

Learning how to be a better investor can increase your investment returns and (most importantly) reduce losses.

MD: Actually, learning that you are in no way, shape, or form an investor is the education you should have. Investing is an illusion, brought to you by the money changers. Think about it. They run a system with a 4% leak … and then they say that gives money “time value”. Then they use that time-value concept to get you to part with the 1/4th of the fruits of your labor they haven’t already taken. And you write about it like it was legitimate!

And increasing the long-term average investment return of your IRA or 401(k) by just 1% per year can have a PROFOUND (six figure) impact on your retirement.

MD: Wrong. The best thing you can do for your retirement is to buy land in a low tax, low services county and find a way to sustain yourself with a minimum of outside help … and with zero help from the money changers and the governments they institute.

These solutions make sense: there is ZERO downside in saving more money for retirement.

MD: I have direct evidence to the contrary. If they can “see that money”, the can and will “take that money”. True, you must put resources aside … but saving is not the proper term. Hiding is the proper term.

But it’s critical to start now. A little bit of effort and planning right now will pay enormous dividends in the future.

MD: Relax. You are already toast. What you can do … support iterative secession and institute a proper MOE process, you will not do … nor will anyone you know.

So as a failed politician once said: “If rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it”.

Until tomorrow,

MD: Boy, aren’t you the optimist!

Simon Black


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